iMODELER+ (Version 3.0)
New qualitative and quantitative (!) iMODELER+
A few days and we will finally release the latest iMODELER with new features, new price, new names and the first version of the quantitative iMODELER, called iMODELER+.
The local version is now called iMODELER desktop version. The iMODELER service now includes collaborative modeling for up to 10 guests as a standard for only 9.95 EUR/month ...
New features are clusters and filters, both very mighty to handle large models. Nice feature also that you can now temporarily move factors for individual views, e.g. for your presenter.
Well, and the quantitative iMODELER+ offers almost all the features of the classic iMODELER. We just need to add Monte Carlo and a Scenario Manager. With a later edition we will add data imports and exports. Good news also, that the classic MODELER comes for free with the iMODELER+. The MODELER just got an update to version 7.5.5. with huge improvements on performance.
So, happy modeling .....!