New Research Project
Research Project: Identifying and Assessing Interactions between International Climate and Resource Policy
The project is aiming at the following objectives:
1. Identifying and comparing possible development paths of global resource use and greenhouse gas emissions under different international policy scenarios.
2. Identifying interactions between international or multinational (in particular G7/G20) measures of climate and resource conservation policy and evaluating their climate and resource conservation potential qualitatively and quantitatively.
3. Deriving recommendations for relevant measures on the basis of these evaluations.
In order to achieve these objectives, the project first identifies and qualitatively evaluates essential international measures. Based on the identified measures, potential interactions between the measures are conceptualised and evaluated in a conceptual cause-effect model. The analysis of the interactions and the qualitative cause-effect model form the basis for a quantitative analysis by means of the system-dynamic GEE(R) model, which should enable quantitative statements, e.g. on global resource consumption and global greenhouse gas emissions. The results of these analyses are then processed in short and in-depth studies as well as in policy papers and fact sheets for political communication. In terms of scientific discussion, the results will be presented in webinars, a session during the European Resources Forum ERF 2020 as well as at international conferences and in peer review journals and an international final conference.
Funding: Federal Environmental Agency of Germany
Duration: October 2018 - October 2021
Partner: Ecologic Institut gemeinnützige GmbH (Lead-Partner), Consideo GmbH
Here, you will find more information: Website Ecologic